One of the big problems that has destroyed human life is many people do not know when to stop. That’s why they usually go from one side of extremity to another side without knowing how to stop at the middle.
God created human in balance because He is Just. Look at the whole Universe and we will see the balance in His creation: day and night, Sun and Moon, sweet and salty, air and water, fire and ice, male and female.
But under Satan’s influence and temptations, humans more than often become so extreme that they destroy their own lives and others’ around them. And there are a lot of examples of the destruction of human extremity.
For example:
Some people with abnormal behaviors demand others to accept them and treat them with dignity because of past violence toward them. That seems reasonable enough because everyone deserves a peaceful life, even with those who have abnormal behaviors (It’s abnormal because it is quite different with more than 6 billion other humans. The percentage difference between two groups speaks for itself). Those who have violent tendency toward them are extremists and they should not be like that. But then when the abnormal people gain acceptance in societies, especially in Western countries, they don’t know when to stop. They continue to push forward for more, to the degree that they demand others to be abnormal like them and criticize, even trying to persecute, those who are normal. That in turn becomes their extremity and that’s why other people push back, fight back, because now the abnormal people are not victims anymore but becoming social tyrants. That’s why the extremists who were violent to them before becoming more violent, because they think they were right in the past to suppress them, and they will do so now with much more eagerness to rid societies from a new class of tyrants. Then surely one day the abnormal people will see their achievements destroyed, even their lives, too, because of not knowing when to stop after being accepted by societies and the world.
– LGB Versus T: How The ‘Trans’ Issue Is Dividing A Movement