From Conservative Review by Chris Pandolfo
Are you ready to be incensed by the media’s, and particularly Joy Behar’s, vicious double standard when it comes to faith?
In an interview with 60 Minutes Overtime correspondent Ann Silvio the famous talk-show host, and rumored 2020 contender, made clear that she has no intention to run for president against Donald Trump saying she had “not heard the call from God to run for office.”
“And wouldn’t I know? Because if God actually wanted me to run, wouldn’t God kinda tell me? And I haven’t heard that,” she says.
Now hold on. Vice President Mike Pence was just dragged over hot coals in the media after ex-White House staffer and known liar Omarosa Manigault slandered Pence by claiming he believes “Jesus tells him to say things.” Omarosa characterized Pence as “scary” and “extreme,” turning his Christian faith into a weapon to paint him as unstable in the media.
The unscrupulous and vile Joy Behar picked up on Omarosa’s gossip on The View, suggesting that Pence had a “mental illness” as her co-hosts mocked his faith. But they’re going to give Oprah a pass. No one in the mainstream media is going to question Oprah’s faith for a second, which is right. It’s disgusting to attack a person’s faith. But the problem is the media will make baseless rumors about Mike Pence headline news because Pence is a conservative and he must be ridiculed, whereas Oprah is favored and she holds “politically correct” beliefs so she must be exalted.