We like to read comments from online readers and listen to those around us. The voices of ordinary people are not often heard, but we listened to them attentively. Their comments are very interesting and colorful. Many of them are straightforward and more honest than the leftist media. Some are even very funny. We compiled them and posted them below. Hope you will enjoy them as much as we did.
Civilization and advance in technology are not guaranteed to make people become more understanding. In some cases it is quite the opposite. For example, some people criticize Christians and say things like this: It shows their true colors when God-loving religious people take such joy in telling you that you are going to burn forever. Such misunderstanding shows off a mind that is beyond words to describe. If Christians actually take such joy to see others being burnt forever in hell, they would never tell anyone to believe in Jesus. Why did they do it, to be mocked, ridiculed and harassed by unbelievers? If they actually take such joy they should keep quiet and wait to see. Why those criticizing Christians never understand logic like that? Do those people who say such thing believe that Christians will actually burn others in hell? It was recorded in the Bible thousands of years ago that Christians only warn others of the possibility that would happen. With their level of understanding do those who criticize Christians think that loving people should never warn others of the danger that they believe lies ahead? Do they think that loving people should let others walk to a cliff or a dangerous stretch of road and fall to their death without any warning? Do they think that loving people should never try to rescue anyone? The religious belief is the same like other beliefs in society. With their level of understanding, do they think that all doctors, nurses, police and emergency crews are hateful people because they always try to save someone? Some people, when they open their mounths to speak, don’t even know what they are talking about.