GENESIS 1: 1 – In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

– The Bible lets us know that the universe was made by God.
– Many people refused to believe it. They waited for science to tell them the origin of the universe and they died for thousands of generations without knowing it.
– Until now science cannot tell from what or where the universe originated. They have all assumed that it was already there before the Big bang.

GENESIS 1: 28 – God blessed them and said to them: Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.

– God did not create the Earth for humans to live here forever (Mark 13: 31, 2Peter 3: 7, 10, 12)
– The Earth is a place where humans will be tested who is worthy according to God’ standards to be admitted into Heaven to live with Him for eternity (Job 7: 17-18, 2Timothy 2: 12, James 1: 12, 1Peter 1: 7, 4: 12, Revelation 2: 10, 3: 10).
– The admission of humans into Heaven is the substitution for those angels who followed Satan against God.
– Their number is one third of all angels that were created by God in the beginning (Revelation 12: 4).
– Those fallen angels will be imprisoned in hell for eternity and worthy humans will be substituted in their place to complete the number of angels that God had in mind from the beginning because He never changed (Malachi 3: 6, Hebrews 13: 8, James 1: 17).
– From the begining when God created humans, He already foretold when Christ will come back to end the world.
– It is when the earth is full of humans and it cannot sustain or be able to support human lives anymore.
– The Earth surface is limited and its resources cannot last forever. So, when God commanded humans to fill the Earth to its limit, He hinted that is when Christ will return and the Earth will end.


(to be continued)

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