There are two friends who invented a game of rule to play in their free time. One will ask questions and the other will answer. They often use current world events as examples or topics for their game play. It’s a silly, childish game anyway, lack entertainment, really.
They were talking again about the shooting in Florida on February 14, 2018
– Now the murderer has been apprehended, what’s the sentence you think we should give him if he was put in front of our imaginary court of justice? Do you thinh we should give him the death penalty?
– No, I don’t think so. In our justice system there would be no death penalty. It’s too easy for those murderers, and we should give justice a chance to correct itself if there was a mistake made when sentencing someone.
– So, what would you give him if you was a judge in this case?
– I should give him a life sentence in a labor prison and he must work 10 hours a day, six days a week to pay for his prison cell, food and the rest goes to the families of victims that he killed.