After the shooting in Florida on Valentine's Day 2018 people had asked us many questions relating to that horrible events. We write this article in an attempt to answer their questions. Please do not use this explanation for other cases, particular for wars and soldiers. Every case has it own characteristics and they are mostly different. Wars are armed conflicts in which both sides have weapons and they are shooting at each others. This case is an armed killer shooting at students at school.

We will use the Bible as our mainly source of explanation and will consider all three sides in this case: the killer, the students and God.

Firstly, the killer/shooter/murderer:

Do you know which group does he belong to?

According to the Bible (Matthew 13: 24-30 & 36-43) there are two groups of people that have mixed together in this life: One group was created by God and its first man was Adam. The other group was created by Satan (God's enemy) and the first among them was the ape that walked upright. Satan does not have the ability to create something better.

According to Genesis 2: 7, when God created Adam, He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and Adam became a living thing, that means he had soul and so for all in his group. That means they have conscience. (We know you have question about Cain. We will write about him in another article).

The other group, because they were created by Satan and he is not powerful as God so he could not give them souls (nowhere in the Bible indicates otherwise). Therefore they became soulless. That means they will do anything to benefit themselves, even commit the most hideous crimes without remorse. They are not different from animals when it comes to killing. Hint: The evolution theory (for example, do you ever see a lion hesitated before killing a prey to satisfy its hunger?)

In reality there are crimes that a normal person never thinks of it, but criminals commit them as easily as getting rid of a piece of paper. Do you see the difference between these two groups?

This characteristic is defined by action, not by religious appearances. There are lots of people declare themselves Christians because they go to church or read the Bible. But real Christians are the ones who obey and follow the Bible teaching closely and carefully. Real Christians know how to forgive, to live in humility and don't commit murder because it’s forbidden by God. Self defense is another matter.

We will explain the killings in the Old Testament in another article. Please be patient with us. We will do our best going into details for every question that you have relating to the Bible and real life.

For the ones who belong to Satan's group, they will kill and hurt everyone, no matter how hard other people help them or try to prevent their behavior.

When they are happy, they would kill for pleasure. Human history shows lots of example of this kind of killing. Do you ever read stories of rich people sexually abused children then later on killing them in order to watch their dying?

When they are unhappy, they would kill to make them happy again. Criminals, abusive husbands and hateful wives are another examples. Even some children join them occasionally.

When they are successful, they would kill to keep their positions. Kings and political leaders around the world are example. Even in business or in family this kind of killing happened too often.

When they are strong and respected, they kill to show off their power. Dictators are another examples.

When they are weak and be bullied, they would kill to extract revenge. This happens at schools or workplaces and in society.

They will use any means to kill. Guns, machete, acid, knife, poison or whatever in their hands that can become a weapon.

There is no way to sort them out until the end of the world because according to Matthew 13: 29 even angels cannot distinguish them from people belong to Adam's group.

When the world try so hard recently to push God out of societies, they increase the numbers of those killings because some from Adam's group would be corrupted by the world and would not know how to forgive, to live in humility. They would join Satan's group and they would kill in anger like Cain and regret it later.

With the way of life nowadays, we will see much worse coming, nothing better.

Although there are still many Christians living in America, this society is an atheist one because they teach evolution at school in order to push God out. It is a suggested theory, not a confirmed one. They have picked up some fragments here and there of the long history of the world and declare a proven theory while still unable to discover all mysteries of the Earth.

Secondly, the students:

After the shooting many people blamed God for not preventing such tragedy from happening, but have they or the victims been ever seeking God's protections throughout their lives?

When an atheist, like a professor at Harvard, questioned God in this case, they were so devious. They don't believe in God and never understand a thing in the Bible and they questioned God? They use this tragedy to advance their agenda and many people fall into their trap.

There are two cases relating to the students, not specific to anyone among them, our explanation is for general purposes only.

If they did not believe in God, they could not expect anything from Him. For those who do not believe in God, there is nothing outside or after this life. For them there is no invisible or higher authority except government, so in this case the American government failed them, not God. How can they expect something from nothing? How can they expect something from God that they do not believe in existence? If they want to blame, blame the FBI, the NSA, do not blame God.

When they believe that there is nothing after this life, and humans are just a product of animal evolution, so this society is a jungle, more or less. When they believe in the evolution theory, so humans are just a different kind of animals. What are they expecting from animals? In jungle stronger species kill weaker ones, so it's just the same in an atheist society, armed murderers kill unarmed people. So, why did they surprise?

In a jungle, every species find ways to defend themselves. In an atheist society, they are willing to give up their means of defense in order to depend on the police, the FBI, the NSA, so, after the shooting, why did they not blame them? Why did they blame God instead?

In a jungle, every species find ways to defend themselves including apes, but in an atheist society they abandon their means of personal defense, are they really sure that they came from apes? Or perhaps a lower intelligent one?

The contradiction in atheist's thinking and argument are so blatant that we have no word to describe.

For victims with faith in God, there are also two groups: One with stronger and the other with weaker faith. We don’t want to indicate any person, particular their actions or thoughts. We never know, only God know. Therefore our explanation and questions below is for general purposes only.

There are many Christians who although have faith in God but never let Him guides their lives completely. They ignore the Bible or just read a few verses to satisfy their guilt. They do not care what God wants and do not want to do what God commands them to do or to live accordingly to standards in the Bible. Although they call themselves Christians but they want to be their own masters and think God is the One who should bless them for whatever they do and should never punish them for any disobedience they have, no matter how serious those disobedience are.

Therefore, with those who have weaker faith, do they really believe that God’s will is above all else or their will is more important?

Do they praise and thank God for any success they have in life or they think their success all came from their abilities and talents? If they think they are masters of their lives instead of God, such tragedy happened or will happens again because they failed in their ability to defend themselves or letting the government prevent them to defend themselves.

If they believe that God is just and He really is, do they believe that sometime, somehow God punishes people because they disobey Him?

Do they think that corrupt officials can punish them because they break human laws and God cannot punish mankind when they break His laws?

Do they think bias and corrupt judges can deliver sentences when they commit crimes (not to those judges), but God cannot deliver sentences when they commit crimes to Him?

Do they think that they can accept laws and punishments that come from corrupt political leaders who ignored their Constitution but they cannot accept laws and punishments that come from God Who is true to His book?

Do they think they can lean to and support those who oppose God in every aspect of this life but God has to favor them than others when tragedy happens?

We put out questions here because we know people can have the answers for themselves.

(to be continued)

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