Daily Bible
Today we again pray for America. There are plenty of decent people in this country but if they have a look at politicians who are campaigning for the top post they should be asking why those worse indecent individuals have to be their representatives to the whole world? Look at Hillary Clinton, she even barked like a dog in front of camera to mock her political opponents. Imagine she would be president of this country! But it seems there are a lot of people who like that kind of public behavior. It is America nowadays? We really have no more words for that. Thanks God we still have the Bible. The verse for today is:
(Colossians 4: 6) Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.
(Cô-lô-se 4: 6) Lời nói anh em phải có ân hậu theo luôn, và nêm thêm muối, hầu cho anh em biết nên đối đáp mỗi người là thể nào.