Daily Bible

Every year when Christmas season comes, one of many questions people ask about Christmas and Christianity is ‘Who Jesus was?’. Everyone who wanted to answer this inquiry seriously had to look up in the Bible to get one. But they mostly came up with a wrong answer. It was not because they lacked of effort in examine the Bible, but because their method was just focus on some suitable verses that they thought could explain the question according to their views. In other words, they already had their personal opinions about the answer beforehand and they just wanted to find some Bible verses to support them. The effective way to answer any questions, spiritually or for real life, is that one has to check the whole book to see what the Bible answers for that particular question. To answer the most important question (the question relates to salvation and eternal life) of ‘Who Jesus was?’, one must thoroughly study the whole Bible, word for word, verse for verse, in order to truly and fully know and understand Who He was.
The verse for today is:
(Luke 24: 27) And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.
(Lu-ca 24: 27) Đoạn, Ngài bắt đầu từ Môi-se rồi kế đến mọi Đấng tiên tri mà cắt nghĩa cho hai người đó những lời chỉ về Ngài trong cả Kinh thánh.

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