Daily Bible
Imposing minority views or demands on the general populace is not a wise choice. On the short run, winning cases in courts and political arena, with support from bias media, can satisfy those people in minority groups and most of the time it makes them to be bolder to demand more special treatments. They want others to tolerate them but they themselves never want to tolerate anyone who has a different view from them. When the time comes (who is so sure of one-way tide of all time and will never change back?) they will not be able to withstand the waves of wrath from those in majority groups that have been oppressed for too long. Every choice in this life has consequences and those made the choice cannot escape them forever. There is always a pay back time for everything we have done in this life, physically or spiritually. It’s called natural justice but it seems nowadays many people forget about it. That’s why understanding each other is one of the most important virtues that humans should have.
The verse for today is:
(Psalm 94: 5) They break in pieces Your people, O Lord, and afflict Your heritage.
(Thi thiên 94: 5) Hỡi Đức Giê-hô-va, chúng nó chà nát dân sự Ngài, làm khổ sở cho cơ nghiệp Ngài.