Daily Bible

When Adam and Eva were sent out of Eden by God because of the sin they committed, the outside world was already occupied by other people. That is the mystery that has made people wondered for many centuries. The question is if Adam was the first man created by God as the Bible has indicated, where other human beings came from who lived outside Eden for thousands of year and their remains has been found by science and archaeologists? Because the world already had its inhabitants, that’s why it made Cain afraid that someone would kill him, a vagabond and fugitive, later. But when we read the parable of wheat and tares that Jesus told His disciples, we can understand clearly where those early inhabitants came from. Jesus called them tares and they came from Satan, or in other word, they were created by him. Because he can not have the power like God, his creatures looked like gorillas than humans. But after millions of years and by even mating with those fallen angels that were mentioned in Genesis chapter 6, they eventually had a better form like the human beings that God created in Eden. The verse for today is:
(Genesis 4: 14) Surely You have driven me out this day from the face of the ground; I shall be hidden from Your face; I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond on the earth, and it will happen that anyone who finds me will kill me
(Sáng thế ký 4: 14) Nầy, ngày nay, Chúa đã đuổi tôi ra khỏi đất nầy, tôi sẽ lánh mặt Chúa, sẽ đi lưu lạc trốn tránh trên đất; rồi, xảy có ai gặp tôi, họ sẽ giết đi.

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