Daily Bible

During Olympic time, it’s good to see athletes competing in sport and parents proud of their children achievements. We are happy to see many American athletes success in this event. We continue to wish them well and hope that this country will produce more such excellent individuals who wholeheartedly dedicate themselves for higher, farther, stronger and faster records. As we can see, most of people love their countries (like athletes who are so proud to represent their motherland or their adoptive countries in the sport arena) but politicians more than often destroy them because of their greed for power and control. They will try one way or another to make the Olympic as their achievement and steal the spot light from athletes as they did many times before. They will surely say that if they did not provide the necessary security, the event would fail, as though they have nothing to do with the fostering of terrorism around the world. That’s happened before and it will then happen again after the Olympic. With another thought, we wish many of us Christians would have the same attitudes and dedication (as the athletes to their sports) in trying to win eternal life and to represent the Lord as best as we can in this world. The verse for today is:
(Colossians 3: 23) And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.
(Cô-lô-se 3: 23) Hễ làm việc gì, hãy hết lòng mà làm, như làm cho Chúa, chớ không phải làm cho người ta.

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