Daily Bible

In the movie Legend of Tarzan, the bad guy is portrait as a religious man, with a cross and a rosary always in his hand. The director cannot overcome his desire to include that in the movie, although its missing surely has no effect on the film overall. This is one more example of Hollywood’s brave. While politicians and the media try their best to encourage religious toleration, particular toward Islam; at the same time, they also try their best to insult Christianity whenever they have a chance, big or small. Even when Muslim’s terrorists, under the name of their religion, killed people here and there around the world, politicians and the media don’t dare to say the word Islam, only use the word radical terrorist instead. As there are no Christians blow themselves up at markets, in hotels, at schools, shooting down civilians airliners, those politicians and the media feel embolden to criticize, to insult Christianity at best they can. In this particular case, it is a Hollywood director’s. This is an example of white elites’ brave. We know a lot of white common people who do not agree with those in elite’s society. They have been silent and endure too long. Their anger has been built up from time to time. Someday it will surely surface and there will be a lot of white elites who regret it because of their misjudge to the common people. The politicians and the media try to prevent harassment at schools but at the same time they are bullying Christianity every day in society while bowing down to Islam shamelessly. That’s their braveness in the land of free no more. The verse for today is:
(Isaiah 11: 4) But with righteousness He shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth. He shall strike the earth with the rod of His mouth, and with the breath of His lips He shall slay the wicked.
(Ê-sai 11: 4) Nhưng Ngài sẽ dùng sự công bình xét đoán kẻ nghèo, và xử lẽ ngay thẳng cho kẻ nhu mì trên đất. Ngài sẽ đánh thế gian bằng cái gậy của miệng mình, và lấy hơi thở nơi môi mà giết kẻ ác.

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