Daily Bible
Today we pray for our church evangelical effort of witnessing Jesus to unbelievers. We know the task is hard because nowadays the Americans do not want to hear anything about God. On the contrary they have the tendency to dislike the church and criticize Christian’s way of life. But we Christians should continue to tell the world about Jesus because it’s the Good News above all. We will continue to do that even when facing opposition or persecution. Although being rejected but at least our effort can show to the Lord that how we love Him and obey His command. The verse for today is:
(2Timothy 4: 2) Preach the Word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all long suffering and teaching.
(2Ti-mô-thê 4: 2) Hãy giảng đạo, cố khuyên, bất luận gặp thời hay không gặp thời, hãy đem lòng rất nhịn nhục mà bẻ trách, nài khuyên, sửa trị, cứ dạy dỗ chẳng thôi.