Daily Bible
According to the report from Federal Reserve, 47% of American people do not have enough $400 dollars in cash for an emergency room visit in case of a sudden illness or accident. Studying another report from the Bureau of Labor Statistic, one can find out that 1/5 of American families have no job at all. The economic condition in this country is becoming deteriorating day by day and nobody seems to have any plan to help it getting back on good track. More and more experts admit that the second half of 2016 will be worse and devastating for everyone. We pray Go to keep His children, us among them, from this kind of disaster. May God shelter us in His loving hands from things to come. The verse for today is:
(Psalm 139: 5) You have hedged me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me.
(Thi thiên 139: 5) Chúa bao phủ tôi phía sau và phía trước, đặt tay Chúa trên mình tôi.