Daily Bible
Today we pray for other Christians who are working on Sunday to come back to church. In our community there are many people who work seven days a week without any break including Christians. The main reason is to support their families but the reality that everyone knows is their love for money. Our intention is not criticizing but to state the fact. For them it is never enough. Sadly there are many Christians who fall in the same trap. Although they are Christians but they have not been in the church for very long time. They work so hard, have money, but none of them is happy. We all know the old saying that money cannot buy happiness but they just ignore it or do not care. Many of them have broken marriages, broken families after having more money than they need but they don’t stop, don’t want to change. They have even been groaning about their situations but surprisingly none of them wants to consider how to fix it. Money is their goal of life and they are willing to sacrifice everything to get it, no matter what. Many times we want to help but always being unsuccessful. What we can do right now is to pray for them and hope someday they will wake up from their delusion and come back to the Lord. We also hope that that day would not be too late for many of them. The verse for today is:
(1Timothy 6: 10) For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
(1Ti-mô-thê 6: 10) Bởi chưng sự tham tiền bạc là cội rễ mọi điều ác, có kẻ vì đeo đuổi nó mà bội đạo, chuốc lấy nhiều điều đau đớn.