Daily Bible
We go to church today to worship the Lord and to have fellowship with our Christian brothers and sisters, and we will pray for the flood victims in Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. According to weather news, the flood in those area were of historic proportion. They were part of seven heavy floods happened in the U.S. from last September. Never before this country has experienced something like this. People outside the church blame them on climate change, but we know everything happens in this life has its purpose from God. He uses them to convey a message to this country but most of its citizens, particular the political leaders choose to ignore it. They will have to answer to God someday in the future for their ignorance. The verse for today is:
(Job 37: 11-13) Also with moisture He saturates the thick clouds; He scatters His bright clouds. And they swirl about, being turned by His guidance, that they may do whatever He commands them on the face of the whole earth. He causes it to come, whether for correction, or for His land, or for mercy.
(Gióp 37: 11-13) Ngài chứa nước trong mây, và giăng ra các mây chớp nhoáng của Ngài; Nhờ Ngài dẫn dắt, nó bay vận khắp tứ phương, đặng làm xong công việc mà Ngài phán biểu nó làm trên khắp trái đất. Ngài sai mây hoặc để giáng họa, hoặc để tưới đất, hoặc để làm ơn cho loài người.