Daily Bible
Today we pray God to help us understand Him and the Bible. We need to read the Scripture more carefully. But sadly, we Christians more than often neglect the Bible like people outside the church. For those who do not like our faith, they read the Bible according to their mind. When they need some quoting, they pick here a verse, there a verse then using them to criticize the Bible, even God. The ones who criticize our faith the most are those who never fully read the Scripture from the beginning to the end, from the first letter of Genesis to the last letter of Revelation, and we do not mean reading it one time only. When they love some authors they read their books over and over again, but to criticize Christianity they read the Bible just one, maybe twice, that’s it. Anyway they are outsiders, but many Christians read the Bible in the same way that they do. To fully understand God and to know His will, we must change our attitude toward the Bible, and God promised He only reveals Himself to those who love His words and live accordingly. Therefore, the verse for today is:
(John 14: 21) He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.
(John 14: 21) Ai có các điều răn của ta và vâng giữ lấy, ấy là kẻ yêu mến ta; người nào yêu mến ta sẽ được Cha ta yêu lại, ta cũng sẽ yêu người, và tỏ cho người biết ta.