Daily Bible
Today we pray for the safety of our people as they are going around doing their routines. We pray for the children at schools, too. The police in Virginia area are hunting for a violent mental patient who escaped from a mental health facility in Falls Church on Monday. He is a big black man at 5 feet 8 inches tall with glasses (They are so political correctly that they are afraid to put the word ‘black’ in the ad. They give warning to society but rather to let things to be murky than stating the clear truth, rather to let people to be mistakenly seized or killed than hurt somebody’s feelings about skin color). The patient could be in those areas of Annandale or Falls Church, but also could be in Centreville or Sterling.
The U.S. society has become more violent every year. Taking Chicago for example, according to news’ report, the rates of homicides and shooting are double over the same period in 2015. There are other cities as well, like LA, New York, Baltimore and particular Washington, D.C. The politicians blame it on the guns, but we know that it is the behavior of a man or woman causing them to hurt other people. When a person wants to kill someone, he or she will look for any weapon available at hand (gun, machete, knife, poison, acid or anything that suits their purposes, even cars), so taking one of those weapons from society is a futile attempt after all. In other countries where guns are strictly prohibited, people were killed every day by whatever means out there. We pray God to keep us safe always from any harm. The verse for today is:
(Psalm 56: 8) You number my wanderings; Put my tears into Your bottle; Are they not in Your book?
(Thi thiên 56: 8) Chúa đếm các bước đi qua đi lại của tôi: Xin Chúa để nước mắt tôi trong ve của Chúa, nước mắt tôi há chẳng được ghi vào sổ Chúa sao?