We have come across some comments that are interesting to read, so we post them below. Most of these comments were posted on social media without the real names of their owners. Some had used nicknames, some wanted to be anonymous, some we don’t even know who said them.
– Obama’s Catholic? Anyone who has paid any attention whatsoever to Obama’s words and his actions knows that he has been our Muslim-in-Chief.
– If one digs down a bit into Christianity and Islam, then it becomes obvious that Obama is not a Christian but is indeed a Muslim. Consider this, the Koran says the idea that God has a Son is an abomination (see Koran 19:88-89). And the Koran denies the resurrection of Jesus Christ (see Koran 4:157). So without Jesus as the Son of God, without the resurrection of Christ, there is no Gospel message of Christianity. Islam and Christianity are diametrically opposed. Islam is the antithesis of Christianity. So a true believer in Jesus could not and would not lift up and elevate the Koran and Islam, as Obama so often does, because to do so is to deny your faith in Jesus Christ.
– Even so, how can Obama still be a Muslim when he claims to be a Christian? This is how: He can do so if he is drunk on “taqiyya”, so to speak. Taqiyya is a concept in Islam that a Muslim can lie and engage in deception towards non-Muslims in order to advance Islam. Look at Obama’s actions while he has been President. Obama shows more respect to Muslim leaders on the world stage than he does to Americas allies, he bows down to Muslim leaders on the world stage. And I’m not talking a kind of courtesy type bow, I’m talking about a full-fledged bow from the waist like a spine made of spaghetti as seen here with Obama bowing before the King of Saudi Arabia… Has an American President ever done such a thing before? Obama has said the prettiest sound on earth is the Muslim call to prayer. When Muslims burn down Christian churches and persecute and kill Christians, cutting their heads off, there isn’t a peep about it from the White House. Obama funded and armed ISIS and attacks them not. Via the Obama administration, members of the Muslim Brotherhood have infiltrated our government. Is it any wonder we give a free pass to Muslims but yet molest the elderly and terrorize our tykes at our airports? Is it any wonder we don’t check the social media jihad rants of Muslims coming into this country? And at the direction of one Barack Hussein Obama, $150+ billion has been pledged to fund Islamic terrorism, helping to arm Iran to advance the Islamic cause, which is the destruction of the little Satan, Israel, and the big Satan, which is us. So when you look at Obama in light of the Islamic concept of taqiyya, it is not far-fetched at all to believe that he is a Muslim given his track record. No one can argue that Obama is always looking to advance the cause of Islam. Because Obama is a Muslim, that is why he will not call a spade a spade in our fight against this beast called Islam, for he would be blaspheming his faith if he did so.
– Obama is Muslim, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and agnostic. In other words Obama is a human chameleon.
– The biggest lies get the biggest promotions in the Obamanation Administration, for instance, Susan Rice, following her Tale of Benghazi.
– Quotes by Barack Hussein Obama:
#1 “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam” (UN speech 09-25-2012)
#2 “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer” (New York Times interview, 03-06-2007)
#3 “Islam has a proud tradition of advancing justice, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” (Baltimore Mosque, 02-03-2016)
#4 “Throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds religious tolerance and racial equality.” (Cairo University, 06-04-2009)
#5 “I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative attitudes towards Islam wherever they appear.” (Cairo University, 06-04-2009) (from…)