We have come across some comments that are interesting to read, so we post them below. Most of these comments were posted on social media without the real names of their owners.

– The hatred the Left/progressive/liberals have toward Trump’s presidency makes them blind and they cannot distinguish between what is important and what is not. When a woman in Trump’s administration put her feet on a sofa in the Oval office, many of them made a fuss about that and got on social media to criticize her strongly, but when their supporters rioted on the street and tore the American flag, stomped on it, spit on it, burned it, they just ignored, or even worse, praised and cheered such shameful act. They are grownup adults but why they cannot understand what is important? The flag is the symbol of this country while the sofa is just a piece of furniture, even in the president’s office. Do they want to parade on the Independent Day with the sofa on their heads as a symbol of the United of America?

– “My job is not to represent the world. My job is to represent the U.S. of A.” (President Donald J. Trump) Yes and all the other presidents and prime ministers need to rightly represent their own countries.

– But Merkel is representing Muslims and fight for their right to invade Germany (her own country) and Europe.

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